Monday, May 25, 2009

Dojo Igloo Contest Update

Hey peeps and pengs (penguins)! Have you been working on that igloo contest? Because mine is awesome! I hope one of you guys listening right now will win. But I also hope I’ll win too! Oh who wants to do a little myth busters mission?!?! Rockhopper’s in town, and he’s leaving may 31. So I’m trying to stay on his ship. If I complete that mission, I’ll be at rockhopper island! If I do I’m deffinantly putting a picture up here. But the real question is, how do I get back? But I rather stay there than clubpenguin any day! Oh yay I almost forgot, here’s a pic of my igloo. Plz don’t copy it or take anything from it.
Sweet huh? Plz message me at with a pic of your igloo. Or you could just message me, but i would like to see your igloos.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

CP Updates

Now it’s time for cp updates, starring, AGENTCRUSHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Agentcrusher: Thank you bill for that wonderful introduction. Ok, I came here to talk about some things i missed. There are going to be card jistu updates. Now you will be able to see your card collection, but only in the ninja hideout, dojo, and the courtyard. You can see it by clicking on the card icon in the corner of your screen. And now time for Rockhopper, I think i forgot to say it looks like the migrator will break. With all that weight from plants, but i could ve wrong. The migrator is as strong as the hulk, in fact it could kill the hulk with one hit. Anyways, Rockhopper brought a new free backround, here’s what it looks like.
And here’s the one you get when you find rockhopper. (sorry my outfits in the way but it’s my permanent look.
and the new pin. (man i missed a lot of stuff!)
see ya’ later, keep checking back for more clubpenguin cheats and hints!

Clubpenguin Guide

Hey it’s splasherTV! That’s my name on youtube, and I just made a new clubpenguin guide. Look up agentcrusher on youtube, or look up splasherTV, and my vids should come up. I would post it here but i really need these views, so plz comment, rate, and subscribe. Bye!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Rockhopper's Back From Disney World!

You should check out the lighthouse because if you look through the telescope, guess who!?!? Rockhopper's ship is there! This is the best part, he's bringing something extra to the island. Okay, now down to business, I'm not only talking about Rockhopper, there's also new books for cp. Here's the list....

Secret Agent Handbook

The Inventor's Apprentice

Igloo makeover

Goon Health

And their probably coming out with some more, don't forget, the igloo contest. See ya' later!

Clubpenguin Ban Bug

OMG, Clubpenguin has banned my account again! For no reason at all! All it does is talk about me pooping and stuff, I've been framed. Plz help bring the criminal to justice! Just look what it did!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Dojo Contest!

Waz up it's Agentcrusher here, clubpenguin mentioned on their blog that they are having an igloo contest! And congratulations puffypower for winning the ninja medival contest! I think you did a very good job on your costume, I hope that 5,000 coins was used to the fullest of the fun! Anyways the igloo contest is about dojo. Try your best to make your igloo into a dojo. I'll try my best to make my igloo into a dojo. Don't worry the contest starts on June 1, so you have time to become a ninja and make money. Best of luck, bye!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

New Medival Stuff!

Friday CP is going to have medival furniture and some medival ninja costumes. I know what your thinking whats a medival ninja costume. Well I hear that some ppl are mixing medival with ninja and making a costume, try to gather as much ppl as you can. If you do, you might get on what's new and meet billybob, sweet huh? While your reading this, many of you know I'm not famous, I'm not even close to famous. I go on cp all the time and not one person reconizes me:( So plz tell your friends about this site. It really is good and I'm a very nice penguin so try to find me. My favorite world is snowy river, I always go on there. Check my post to find out what outfit, and you can find me anywhere on cp in snowy river. See ya'!


Hey guys I am so excited, I just got a dog! It just walked in, well actually it flew through my window but the point is she is so cute. But I'm in alot of trouble right now, she drank every flavor of mountian dew! Blue, red, green, then she mixed blue and red to make purple! Can you believe that? After that she bounced of the walls and engraved this into them.

I got to go she just broke my plasma screen TV!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Party Update

What's up guys it's Agentcrusher. I just wanted to say I am having a major party soon. And if you we're my friend on clubpenguin you would know I'm a totally party animal. If you have a party and want to advertise it, I'm the first one you should come to. You can advertise it all you want here. And if your lucky I'll come on cp with you and advertise it. What the hey I might even come to it. But remember I am a very busy person, so I cannot always show up. Also I have made another rule to become a CPI member. If you have a separete blog, and if you even if you have never heard of me, if i think you have talent i'll contact you. Look for my comment on your blog or your email and I just might of left you a message asking you to become a CPI mod. Cool huh? Almost like getting discovered, like i said before I'll only do it if I think you have talent.

Monday, May 11, 2009


If you are not able to get on this website. I'm probably editing these widgets. But wait a little and I should have it up and running better than before with more widgets and a better site.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Chat Room!!!!

Finally I was able to make a chat room! I'll be posting it up in a few minutes. Then you guys and I can talk to each other! Sweet huh? I just found it so like i said before, gimme' a few minutes. Then I'll have it up and running! But here are the rules.

1. No swearing

2. No inappropriate talk

3. Nothing that could be offencive to kids under the age of 13.

4. Have fun! ( Or else we'll find you:)

Quest Walkthrough

I finished a while ago, but my friend said to put it up here. Thanks Doskell! I definitely see a promotion to a better mod in your future. And the reason he started out higher, is because he's been helping me out for a while I just could never pay him back 'til now. Anyways, here's the walkthrough.

Friday, May 8, 2009

How to get on Penguin Chat!!!!!

Awesome huh? Can you believe I found that?!?! In case you were wondering sadly rocketsnail's site has been closed down. But a few of his games still work today. I hear rumors that says he's going to start a new blog on penguin chat and that kind of stuff, what he's doing. I hope it's true because it's a shame it had to be shut down.

Golden Viking Helmet's Back!!!

Can you believe it?!!? It's back! Go into the stage costumes, go to the second page, click on the viking helmet on the title. You'll get the red viking helmet. Click on it four times to get the blue viking helmet, leave the blue helmet open, now click on Helga's viking helmet and it should look like this.

Medival Party

I can't believe it's finally here! And it's waaaaaaaaay better than last year! They have a new feature, its called the knight's quest. Here are some pics of it.

The new play is sweeeeet! I'm so glad they brought the ghost costume back. I wasn't member back then but now I am! It's all so cool! One of the things you guys/gals didn't exspect was that they gave away the wizard. Just like last year. Go into the lighthouse, go to the table, click on the wizard hat and you should get it! Oh! I almost forgot, when you get to maze on the quest these are the directions. Down, left, down, right, right, up.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

How to get on blogroll/ How to be famous

To get on my blogroll you must have at least 1,500 hits. If you don't but your website is good, I will check it out and put it on my blogroll for only a week. But if you do improve enough you will stay on there. Okay now back to being famous. Here are some tips that should help you.

Step 1

I think this is a simple tip. Try getting your penguins know by having parties and advertising in the town, be nice to all people, try to make friends, and keep your friends. Then when people see that you have a site they'll remember you. Which will help your name get spread around.

Step 2

Try making youtube videos, they may be hard to make but you'll get the hang of it! You can do them on anything, but I think you should do turtorials on cp. And try advertising them on your blog. Which leads us to step 3.

Step 3

Make a blog! I suggest websites like this to make one. Possibly,, wetpaint. They're more but those are the most known. But having a blog takes time and effort, always try to add as much details as possible. Also don't be too late uploading, also you can add music to your blog.Try to upload everything you can on your blog.

Step 4

This is very hard to do so don't give up. Try to find any famous penguins or just friends. Always become buddies with them and still follow most of these steps. Eventually your name will spread around. If you can get this to happen tell them to search your penguins name on google.

I hope this helps, I'm also taking these same steps so keep working hard to become famous. And in case you were wondering a signature look might help you too! This is mine.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Secret Place!

To go to this place you have to have CP Elite Force for DS. Upload your coins on your account, and try to walk through the HQ closet and you should end up here.

Funny Ban #2

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

mimo poster


CP Myth Busters

Hello, I’ve been hearing many rumors that I just want to research….

1. Tipping the iceberg, this is a big rumor I’ve been researching for a long time. So every Friday go onto subzero at 6:00 PM to help me try to tip the iceberg. Grab ye’ ol’ dancin’ shoes or hard hats and get to work!

2. Ninjas, this is one of the easiest rumors to solve. Now you can train at the dojo court yard. When you get to the black belt you may now beat sensei. You’ll have to lose many times before this will happen. Once this does happen you will be able to go to the ninja hideout.

3. Rockhopper Island, this has been a very difficult rumor to research. If this is possible please leave comments to help research. Thanks for all your helpl!

That’s all for now, if there is a rumor you want me to investigate. Please leave a comment. But PLEASE NO CHAIN LETTERS!

They might not be that good of clubpenguin cheats so keep checking back for more!

How to stand on the Night Club!!! The only bad thing about this cheat is that you need to have a zoom meter, in the bottom right hand corner of your screen. If you do, then stand on the little colored egg thingys by the gift shop. If you don’t then sorry for wasting your life, go to the life store in Flordia and buy a new one. Anyways, next use the zoom thing and go to custom 700. Now find the top of the night club, then keep clicking until you see your penguin.You can do the same thing with the dojo, this is what it will look like.

Note: Other penguins might not see you like this when you perform this cheat. P.S For help you can go to

Clubpenguin money tip, if you are searching for money then I recomend Puffle Roundup. You can never loose, the only time when you can is, oh wait YOU CAN’T! Play as long as you want. But you need to have a working mouse.

Big fish, to catch the big fish (Mullet) in Ice fishing, you’ll need bait to get the bait to the fish. (Get a yellow or gray fish, keep it on the hook and when Mullet comes you’ll catch him, as a prize 100 extra coins at the end!)

How to be invisable on the Iceberg. This is actually a simple trick, take all your clothes off your penguin. Next, turn light blue. Then go to the edge of the Iceberg. When your done it should look like this :^)!

Pizza game cheat! When you start the game “Pizzatron” There will be a lever on the side of the machine, switch it to the pink wrapper to change the pizzas to candy pizzas! When you do this the candy toppings are chocolate, pink icing, marshmellows, and more!

Catalog & pins help. Here are some pics of the new pin and catalog secrets.

This new pin is on the dojo end.

Click on the dragon shadow to get the blue dragon costume (1,000)

Click on the stone next to the kings hat to get the crystal staff.

click on the last window to right to get the woodsmans hat

Click on the left coffee cop to get the graduation cap.

Click on the flashing lights to get the viking helmet.

Click the flashing lights four times to get a blue viking helmet.

Click on the coffee sign for the spikester.

This is a newspaper cheat, click on aunt artica’s glasses hold the button and drag the cursor to the picture and it’ll look like this.
It changes the color to black! This cheat was submited, crazyman39

Medival Party/ New Play at the Stage!

Waddle on cp for a day of fun! On May 8 the medival party starts, and so does the new play! The play is staring a ghost, a detective, and a hysterical singer. It sounds like CRAZY, WEIRD AGENTCRUSHER RANDOMNESS!!!!!!!!!! What do you think will happen at the play? Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah the medival party, I'm guessing they're giving away the spartan hat for members, and prisoner clothes for non-members. And don't worry if there's a only members room. I'll post a picture of it right here and my other web.

CP Iguana

I am now having try outs for my new group, CP Iguana. I will need a 1 messager, 1 cp moderator, 2 option men, 1 discusion, and 5 group men. Send me a comment on why you would be right for the job. I will send you an e-mail saying if you got the job.
See if you can crack the code, it will lead you to my hidden site.
You can find it on the dark side,

hidden in blog.

When you figure it out,

it’ll be locked with a spot.

Can you crack the code?
Well since your already here you might as well know,
you can find it on the darkside: Agentcrusher's Dark Side (title)
hidden in a blog, locked with a spot: blogspot

Rockhopper at disney world!/Mod rules

Rockhopper is still at disney world! Until April 18, if you are going to disney world plz submit your storys and pictures. And I'll make a post of my favorite one. I'll also give you credit, if you have a website I'll put that on there too! Sadly I have never been to Disney World, :( so plz plz PLZ submit.

Oh and incase the link to my wordpress didn't work, I'll post some of my stuff over here, and here are the moderator rules.

Hello it’s me agentcrusher, but now it’s not always going to be me. You now my CPI group right? And if you don’t check out the CP Iguana page.(I'll put that on blogspot in a little) Now I’m choosing 5 CPI Moderators. The rules are very simple. I might choose more than five but i’ll be constantly picking. Here are the rules.
1. Be nice to people.

2. Help. Submit cheats, tips, glitches, hints, tell me when i made a mistake. Answer questions. Submit storys.

3. When I think you’re doing a good job I’ll send a message in your email to become a mod. If you say yes I will update the mod thing.

4. We’ll meet on cp. Shhhh…. It’s a secret.

5. To make official you’ll come to my house eat doritos, drink mountian dew, and have a sleepover. Just me, you, and Michael Jackson. ROFL! LMAO! LOL! JOKING!

6. The better mod you are, the more mod points you get. The more mod points you have, the more things you get to do. I’ll make a page about it later.

7. If you stop doing these things I’ll take you off the mod list. But don’t worry, if you start doing the things again, you can become a mod again.

That’s all the rules, so keep trying to become a mod.


Waddle Squad was pretty easy. But to me I really think it was the funnest mission! The most exciting part was getting to finally meet most members of th PSA. Rookie's still as dumb as ever, (LOL). Speaking of missions, I was thinking, I have a good chance of becoming a moderator of cp. So I was wondering, if I do, what kind mission should I make. Do you have any ideas? My idea was Herbert captures everyone on the PSA, except you, and rockhopper. And all G made so far was puffle tracker, solar power engine, and a laser. I know what your thinking, why don't we just hop on rockhopper's ship and ride there. But the main problem is you get stranded on rockhoppers ship. What do you think? Do you have any ideas?

The Code

I see you found my secret site. If you want my original go to . This is supposed to be for mods but i guess you can waddled upon it. Anyways, can you crack the code? Check out my sterces side, it's actually easy than you think. I bet you can crack the code. But right now see the rules to become a CPI mod! Which is posted on my regualar website. I'll be going back and fourth but most stuff is on my wordpress.